E.S. Mahler (she/her)

E.S. Mahler is the working name of Emily Steinfeld. She works with elaborately invented materials made from bioplastics and biocomposites to create ecological and often kinetic sculpture. Her sculptures are materials-based in the poiesis way, with no single system of knowledge taking precedence and the materials themselves as important as anything else. Experiments limbo the false binary of helpful or harmful, real or unreal. The relation to sustainability and ecology signaling a future that is neither grim nor rosy—but reactive and evolving.

Mahler holds an MFA from Art Center Pasadena and a BFA from Bard College. She organizes shows under the project name Custom Self Storage and builds low-energy websites through her company, No Wave Site. She was born in Brooklyn and continues to live there.

Classes include: Making Material : Introduction to Bioplastics

To learn more about Mahler’s work visit:
www.es-mahler.com / @what123456789


Artwork pictured by E.S. Mahler